Yury Galata

My name is Yury Galata,
I am the founder and the president of the European Coach Federation, a co-owner of Studio Galata brand name providing original patented technologies for the increase of efficiency of businesses and their owners.
– Today I am building teams of ECF certified coaches. Every year, we implement more than 9000 competencies for hundreds of owners, managers, sales specialists in numerous companies over the world. This ensures that 96% of our clients go beyond their usual results.
– Our clients in relations with us feel reliability, instant benefit, weekly progress, insistence on high standards, passion, cast-iron discipline, bringing the matter to the result.
– My standard since 2001 is a product that works. Each Studio Galata booster works like a Swiss watch.
– Transform your business! Transform your life!
My fields of specialization.
– Transformation of owners’ competencies.
– Transformation of managers’ competencies.
– Transformation of the efficiency of teams and companies in small and medium business.
I cooperate:
With the owners of small and medium business, their CEO, sales executives, managers – team coaches and sales specialists.
Reasons for cooperation
– My services are of use for the owners who are not satisfied with the quality of the existing management, sales numbers and profit of their companies, owners who are going to improve the management standards and cooperation among CEO and managers.
– I work with the owners who are not satisfied with the “manual control of their business”, they want to form a team that would be able to independently solve complex issues and achieve the key goal of the company.
– My clients are the owners and sales managers who strive to create a sales department that would differ by its distinct competitive advantage, those who want to get rid of problems such as loss of inspiration among the sales specialists, rapid sales staff turnover, poor standards and low sales.
My clients’ situation.
We often start our cooperation:
– when a company is experiencing a crisis situation and it is important to get over the difficulties
– when the owner decides to eliminate the problem disturbing the development of the company, and to increase the company’s efficiency on his own level, on the level of managers and on the level of sales specialists
– when business owners want their business to achieve higher profit margins
Reduce the risk, test it, check it personally
– Take a test drive of my booster and get an instant benefit!
– Special offer for the first session.
– Please call to learn more about the booster. +37123773337
1995 – State Pedagogical University, Faulty of Physical Education.
1998 – Erickson Coaching International, speciality – Personal coach.
2000 – Erickson Coaching International, speciality – Business trainer.
2002 – Graduate School of Coaching of Thomas Leonard
(USA), speciality – Business coach.
1995 – Sales development consultant. Project “Latvian representation of TZMO S.A. Bella”
European manufacturer of medical supplies, hygienic and cosmetic products.
1996 – Co-owner, sales development consultant. Project “Vivacolor” in Russia. Leading European manufacturers of paints and varnishes Tikkurilla OY (Finland) and Beckers AB (Sweden).
1998 – Co-owner of Kaplan & Galata partnership (Moscow, Russia). Coach training.
Professional and social achievements 2002-2020
1998 – 2020 – over 11 000 participants trained.
1998 – 2020 – 179 corporate programs conducted.
1998 – 2020 – 89 author’s technologies and coaching forms for the development of personal, interpersonal and financial efficiency.
As of 2002 – A member of the international professional coaching association CoachVille (USA).
2002 – In cooperation with the Latvian State Language Commission, the term “coaching” was officially approved at the state level.
2002 – Organizer of the International Coaching Association (Riga, Latvia).
2002 – 2005 – Chairman of the Board of the International Coaching Association (Riga, Latvia).
2002 – 2004 – President of the exclusive representation of CoachVille in Russia and Latvia
2005 – Organizer of the European Coach Federation, the association of professional coaches
2005 – 2020 – President of European Coach Federation (ECF), Riga, Latvia
2008 – 2020 – Author and trainer of the transformational project Sales Champions
2010 – Author of a book “Мастерство коуча. 3D коучинг Ⓡ” (Coach Mastery. 3D Coaching Ⓡ)
2011 – 2020 – Author and trainer of the coaching training project “Eurocoach 3D Coaching Ⓡ”. The project has an international status as of 2015 and is working based on franchise.
2013 – 2014 – Organizer and sponsor within a six-module coach training program 3D Coaching Ⓡ in training of orphanage directors, social service employees, probation service employees and Latvian sports coaches.
2018 – 2020 – Project www.studiogalata.uk
2019 – Author and trainer of the transformational booster game Swiss Watch Business Ⓡ. The project has an international status as of 2020 and is working based on franchise. www.swisswatchbooster.com
2019 – EUIPO (European Union Intellectual Property Office) patent holder for the development of a transformation booster game Swiss Watch Business Ⓡ. Patent EUIPO No 006315081-0001.
2019 – Author and trainer of the transformational booster game Swiss Watch Personal Ⓡ. The project has an international status as of 2020 and is working based on franchise. www.swisswatchbooster.com
2019 – EUIPO (European Union Intellectual Property Office) patent holder for the development of a transformation booster game Swiss Watch Personal Ⓡ. Patent EUIPO No 006651071-0001.
Clients and feedback
I am proud that the owners, top managers and specialist of a number of famous brands give credence and acknowledge the professionalism of our entire team by choosing to cooperate with me. I have an honour to collaborate with the teams of companies that are the leaders in their fields of business.
SEB banka. Nordea banka. DnB NORD banka. Swedbank. Citadele. Altero. Vivacolor. Knauf. Gorgia. RGR Metall OÜ. RGR Airon OÜ. Mary Kay LV, LT, RU, EE. Lloyd’s Register. Zepter. Balta. Kargo Group OÜ. Alanika. Bazsilur. Leversa. KOK. Horeca Marketing. Topaz. Latvijas Taekvondo Federacija -Taekwondo WTF in Latvia. Princess Jewelry. Doguma. ANEX Tour Thailand. ANEX Tour Vietnam. ANEX Tour Dominicana. Maletti Group Russia. Roy Bosh. Deco Style &. Joinery LTD. Nuga Best Latvia. Nuga Best Poland. Nuga Best Lithuania. Bella. Tamro. BENU aptieka. Fotona. VIP Medicum. VIP Real. Elite real estate Slav. LUX. Baltic Sotheby’s International Realty.