Global success without delay
Swiss Watch Business
If you are an owner, a manager or a sales specialist, the participation in a transformational booster game Swiss Watch Business is the better way to solve problems in business and to increase the company profit.
It is based on a patented methodology (EUIPO No 006315081-0001) elaborated by our team. It will provide the shortest way for achieving results in accordance with the message of the game – global success without delay
Swiss Watch
If you are an owner, a manager or a sales specialist, the participation in a transformational booster game Swiss Watch Business is the better way to solve problems in business and to increase the company profit.
It is based on a patented methodology (EUIPO No 006315081-0001) elaborated by our team. It will provide the shortest way for achieving results in accordance with the message of the game – global success without delay
Why to participate in the
Swiss Watch Business?
Because during the game you will
become able to manage the progress of achieving the main goals of the company
change the company development strategy from a loss-making or a low-margin to a profitable one
boost the competencies of the sales department, the department manager, the sales specialists in B2C or B2B
implement 10 highly efficient competencies of a company executive
get rid of the obvious and intrinsic confrontation in a team
become the expert in making agreements
turn your business in a smoothly running profit-generation system
Why to participate in the
Swiss Watch Business
Because during the game you will
become able to manage the progress of achieving the main goals of the company
change the company development strategy from a loss-making or a low-margin to a profitable one
boost the competencies of the sales department, the department manager, the sales specialists in B2C or B2B
implement 10 highly efficient competencies of a company executive
get rid of the obvious and intrinsic confrontation in a team
become the expert in making agreements
turn your business in a smoothly running profit-generation system
Our participants compare the participation in the Swiss Watch Business with getting an MBA. Yet there is one difference – here everything happens faster and in a form of a game.
How does
Swiss Watch Business
look like?
Time is the most valuable resource in the achievement of goals.
To enhance this resource, and also to show that your company can work as accurate as watches, the Swiss Watch Business platform looks like a Swiss watch mechanism and consists of a playing area with gears and sapphires. It can be easily placed on a wall or in any other convenient place, and you will use it to monitor your progress and your team’s progress in moving toward your goal.
Our participants compare the participation in the Swiss Watch Business with getting an MBA.
How does
Swiss Watch Business
look like?
Time is the most valuable resource in the achievement of goals.
To enhance this resource, and also to show that your company can work as accurate as watches, the Swiss Watch Business platform looks like a Swiss watch mechanism and consists of a playing area with gears and sapphires. It can be easily placed on a wall or in any other convenient place, and you will use it to monitor your progress and your team’s progress in moving toward your goal
How the game is carried out
Round 1
– duration – 1 or 2 days
– can be organized in your office or on-line
– you can participate individually or together with your team
Round 2
– duration – 100 days
– on-line participation
– depending on your goals – in the format of training of competencies, professional coaching or mentoring
Round 3
– duration – unlimited
– you set new tasks for you or for your team yourself
– you achieve them with the help of the Swiss Watch Game methodology
During the first two rounds, you are accompanied by the team of our coaches unfolding the Swiss Watch Business methodology. The third round is your independent work.
How the game is carried out
Round 1
– duration – 1 or 2 days
– can be organized in your office or on-line
– you can participate individually or together with your team
Round 2
– duration – 100 days
– on-line participation
– depending on your goals – in the format of training of competencies, professional coaching or mentoring
Round 3
– duration – unlimited
– you set new tasks for you or for your team yourself
– you achieve them with the help of the Swiss Watch Game methodology
During the first two rounds, you are accompanied by the team of our coaches unfolding the Swiss Watch Business methodology. The third round is your independent work.
Swiss Watch Business will help
to increase sales in your company
to eliminate conflicts in your team
to switch from everyday routine to the elaboration and implementation of the strategic plans
to adapt your business to crisis conditions, be it world, industry or local crises.
to remove the “black holes” in your company’s processes swallowing your profit
The success secret is that the Swiss Watch Business is a gold asset of your company. During the participation in the booster, you will be assisted by our coaches and focus on the competencies you would like to develop personally or in your team. The Swiss Watch Business methodology helps to define, evaluate, develop and implement those critically necessary competencies in the activity of the executives and sales specialists, as well as to focus on the activities that will bring your business to a new success level.
The competencies acquired – the “gold competencies” – become the foundation for you to create new assets of your business.
Swiss Watch
will help
to increase sales in your company
to eliminate conflicts in your team
to switch from everyday routine to the elaboration and implementation of the strategic plans
to adapt your business to crisis conditions, be it world, industry or local crises
to remove the “black holes” in your company’s processes swallowing your profit
The success secret is that the Swiss Watch Business is a gold asset of your company. During the participation in the booster, you will be assisted by our coaches and focus on the competencies you would like to develop personally or in your team. The Swiss Watch Business methodology helps to define, evaluate, develop and implement those critically necessary competencies in the activity of the executives and sales specialists, as well as to focus on the activities that will bring your business to a new success level.
The competencies acquired – the “gold competencies” – become the foundation for you to create new assets of your business.
Participants feedback
Swiss Watch Game
Pēc 4 mēnešiem spēlē.
Ir aizvadīta 14 spēles kārta pandēmijas laikā.
Īsumā aprakstu savus “keisus” par Boostera kompetenču ieviešanu.
Sākām ar noteikumiem. Līdz ar ko sapratu noteikumu spēku un to atšķirību starp noteikumiem, kuri ļauj radīt un noteikumiem, kuri iznīcina vai aprobežo.
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Finansiālais modelis ļāva man atgādināt to ko zinu un pastiprināt savas zināšanas. Šī kompetence man notur fokusu uz to cik svarīgi ir pārvaldīt finanses un uzstādīja augstus standartus, kas ļauj apzināties jaunus pārvaldības līmeņus.
“TRAUCĒJUMU NOVĒRŠANAS” kompetenci uzskatu par vienu no svarīgākajām, jo kamēr būs traucēkļi, lielu progresu sasniegt būs gandrīz neiespējami. Ik dienā ar šo jau līdz šim biju aktīvi strādājis un daudz ko paveicis, jo jūtu, ka esmu atstrādājis dažādas emocijas, bailes un uzskatus, kas traucējuši ceļā uz panākumiem. No boostera paņēmu vēl dažas lietas, tādas kā:
Regulāri uzdodu jautājumu sev, kas tika atskaņots boosterī:
“Kas man traucē to iegūt?”
Regulāri turpinu darbu ar “gaidām”, noņemot tās no savas ikdienas. Ar šo vēl nedaudz ir jāpastrādā, bet ir jūtams progress.
Regulāri skatos uz to, kāds tad man īsti ir “izdevīgums” kādā no momentiem, kuri tomēr mani neved uz rezultātiem. Ja es kaut ko daru, kas mani neved uz rezultātiem, es sev uzdodu jautājumu “Kāds man no tā ir labums?”, “Ko es ar to cenšos panākt?”, “Ko es sevī tādā veidā cenšos apmierināt?.
Nākošā milzīgā kompetence ir “Проявляет здравомыслие”.
Esmu ieviesis dzīvē diezgan dzelžainu disciplīnu.
Esmu pieņēmis tehniku DRIVE un caur šiem jautājumiem risinu arī citas lietas savā biznesā un personīgajā izaugsmē.
Trenēju jaunus ieradumus
Un galvenais ir “attīstu viedumu”. Un to daru regulāri ik brīdi, jo tikai dzīvojot caur šo un atsakoties no jebkādām ilūzijām redzu maksimālu efektivitāti savos darbos un rezultātos.
No kompetences “Владеет лидерством и влиянием” esmu apzinājies daudz vairāk par partnerattiecībām biznesā, jo šis jautājums man ir ļoti aktuāls.
Esmu veicis vairākas pārrunas ar savu partneri un esam mutiski noteikuši atbildības sfēras.
Esmu ieviesis un pašam liekas, ka ļoti labi sanāk pielietot kompetenci “7 ietekmes līmeņi”.
Esmu ieviesis “NeНе давить на людей, а давить на проблему”.
No kompetences WFP, esmu labāk izpratis savu ārējo produktu. WFP ļoti labi palīdz saprast ar ko tad es īsti nodarbojos un kas ir tas, ko klients pa īstam no manis saņem. Saprotot savu WFP, es varu precīzāk veidot savu ikdienas darbību.
Vēl esmu skaidri definējis iekšējos WFP saviem svarīgākajiem darbiniekiem. Tas man ļoti palīdz mijiedarboties ar viņiem un noteikt atbildības sfēras un robežas, dēļ kā ir saprotams ko un kā es no viņiem sagaidu.
Kompetence”Winning ideology” man atvēra acis uz vairākām lietām. Es noteicu 3 kompānijas galvenās vērtības, uz kurām vēlos veidot savstarpējās attiecības kompānijas iekšienē. Tās ir “Caurspīdīgums”, “Sadarbība” , “Pastāvīga uzlabošana”.
Esmu aprakstījis terminoloģiju galveniem sistēmiskiem vārdiem, bez kuru saprašanas es nevaru saprasties ar cilvēkiem savā komandā.
Esmu sācis veidot savu ideoloģiju.
No kompetences “WFP virzīšana” vairāk sapratu savas kompānijas un projekta raksturlielumus, īpašības, stiprās un vājās puses un sapratu, uz ko vairāk varam spiest attiecībā uz mārketingu. Kā gala rezultātā tapa pirmais brenda būtības formulējums un izrietošā stratēģija, kas ved pie manas ideālās mērķu auditorijas.
Vispārīgi par maniem rezultātiem:
Katra kompetence dod progresu ikdienas darbībā, jo tās visas uzskatu un jūtu kā spēcīgus instrumentus progresa veidošanā. Es tās pielietoju un veidoju par ikdienas ieradumiem, lai nostiprinātu jau neapzinātās kompetences līmenī. Izaicinājumu ikdienā netrūkst un instrumentu klāsta arī netrūkst, līdz ar ko jūtos ļoti nobruņots un pielāgots dažādiem dzīves un biznesa apstākļiem.
Pateicoties šiem instrumentiem jūtu, ka efektivitāte pieaug un problēmu risināšanas ātrums arī. Tas ļāva man arī pieņemt piedāvājumu konsultēt efektivitātes jautājumos kādu man pazīstamu lielu kompāniju, kura arī attīsta daudzdzīvokļu mājas tikai vēl lielākā mērogā kā es to daru patreiz.
Vispār jau Boosterī sniegtais instrumentu arsenāls prasa lielu laiku, lai to ieviestu dzīvē tā pamatīgi, līdz ar ko esmu to priekš sevis strukturējis un ikdienā pielietoju to kas man ir aktuāls uz doto brīdi.
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Chronology of the Swiss Watch Business Booster
After 6 months of the game.
21 round of the game during the pandemic passed.
I decided to participate in the SWB based on the following reasons:
-I have valuable experience of cooperation with the Galata Studio.
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- I was interested in more conscious and systematic running of my business, educating my employees, creating the “Golden standards” and mastering the “Golden competencies” that will help me to increase my profit, enlarge the scale of my business, and to make it flourish. I have a 17-year of experience in sales and 12 years in sales at Nuga Best, therefore it was very important for me to learn and train and to share my knowledge with my employees in a way so that it is understandable, simple, and applicable for them.
- – I attracted my managers and all the sellers in the booster so that to ensure the synergy of our development and to speak the same language.
The trainer of the booster creates a supportive environment, which ensures easy training. For me, it is important that the trainer sets the direction, informs me about the main principles applicable, and I can choose how to move. The trainer gives tasks, by completing which you start making conscious actions and choices. It results in more conscious business operations, which increases the chance to repeat the success systematically, as you are aware of how you have achieved it. This consciousness helps to reduce the risk of loss. The trainer is not giving you a ready-made solution but helps you to think about a certain situation, process, choice, action, way of achieving your goals, helps to use your potential.
I participated in the booster actively. I made my conscious choice to train. Although in the beginning, when I saw the schedule with the sessions twice a week in the evenings, I thought that this pace is too fast, especially for my employees. I thought it would interfere with the work I and my employees perform daily. Then I saw a benefit because my active participation in the booster will give me time finally to systematize those competencies which already working for me, but not for 10 points, and to start implementing the competencies, which was not working. I worked with every competence: the owner’s, the manager’s, and the seller’s competencies. Because I teach both directors and employees, It is important to have a good command of every competence.
The main question for me is how, can I teach the employees efficiently and implement every competence so that it does not remain only on paper at a level “I know how to do it”, but also reaches the level “I am doing it”.
During the training I started doing things I previously had no time to do. This was due to poor unconscious choices and lack of prioritizing during my daily routine. My level of consciousness increased, the stress and concerns about the employees failure to perform certain tasks was reduced.
I outlined the competencies and started implementing them. Some of them are already working successfully. One of the main signs of progress noted is that, I can speak the same language as my employees because we are participating in the booster together. I managed to create several new agreements with my employees. This helped our team conduct productive meetings. The team became inspired, and we noticed an increase in their level of involvement. Thanks to the booster, I was able to create an improved model of telephone sales. As a result of the training during the first lockdown when our studio shops were closed we, managed to reach the set monthly goals and also exceeded expectations by 20%.
The booster is not finished, but continuing the process, helps me see possibilities to run my business more consciously and easily. Cooperate with my teams and create sustainable sincere relationships with our clients. I have developed the full awareness of a winning company. During the second quarantine, the company sales grew by 30%.Between the quarantines, the sales conversion was up from 25% to 60% per month on average. I see the possibilities for the creation of a long-term successful scalable business.
Thanks to my participation in the booster, my vision of the business and other areas of my life was renewed. As if I was looking through the foggy glasses and suddenly it got clear. I focus more attention on my progress and the progress of my employees rather than our failures. As a result I became more energetic and creative.
I implemented the competencies covered during the booster and, outlined those not yet addressed. I am Improving the competencies that are working and adding new knowledge. It helps me improve the working competencies for example, from 60% to 100%. I continue with the self-development of my team and I by organized additional training.
I recommend this booster 100% to anyone who wants to recognize and use his potential in any sphere of his life. If your business involves teamwork, I advise you to participate together with your employees. It will improve your communication and allow you to speak in one language. It will improve understanding among managers and employees. This booster will equip you to create real sales champions.
Even if your business is already successful, participation in the booster will allow you to understand how this success can be realized. This booster will help you recognize the simple steps required throughout the process to become successful. This awareness will help achieve set goals systematically and enable extraordinary results. The outcome will increase the profits of your business as a result of participation in the Swiss Watch booster.
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Pēc 4 mēnešiem spēlē.
Ir aizvadīta 14 spēles kārta pandēmijas laikā.
- U-1 orientēts uz rezultātu
Es ieviesusi Iepirkumu nodaļā uzdevumus, kuros paši Preču iepircēji salika termiņus (pirms tam šādu uzdevumu nebija vispār, nebija skaidrības, kur ejam). Mums fails atrodas uz kopējā diska, kurā varu sekot līdzi termiņu izpildei.
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- O-1 Pārvalda līderību
Šī kompetence uz mani atstāja vislielāko iespaidu, aizrāva, izpratu to pilnībā. Tā lika man piedzīvot visspilgtāko apņemšanos un mērķu izvirzīšanu.
Vispirms ar partneri no Boostera izgājām abas cauri Ieviešanas stratēģijas jautājumiem (8.punktiem) un atbildējām katra par sevi, lai labāk saprastu kompetenci.
Pēc tam es ieviesu pirmo reizi nodaļā kvartāla pārrunas, kurās pielietoju iedotos Ieviešanas stratēģijas jautājumus. Mana nodaļa sākumā bija neizpratnē, ko es gribu no viņiem, kādēļ psiholoģiski jautājumi, kā viņi paši teica. Bet viņi atvērās, paši ieraudzīja, kur ejam, kāda ir viņu apņemšanās, un kas ir atkarīgs no katra. Centos pierakstīt viņu pašu vārdiem. Pēc tam nosūtīju katram savas atbildes un visu apkopoju kopējās atbildēs, neminot vārdu, ko nosūtīju gan nodaļai, gan arī īpašniekam. To es pabeidzu tikai vakar.
Šajā kompetencē es jūtos ļoti labi, es to izprotu, man tā patīk un dod vislielāko gandarījumu. J
- U-2 Atbrīvojos no vilcināšanās un U-3 Veselais saprāts
Kompetences U-2 un U-3 ieviešana- nekoncentrējos uz problēmu, eju uz risinājumu.
Tāpat turpinu ieviest kompetences O-2 Pārvalda WFP, O-3 Pārvalda WI un O-4 kompetence Pārvalda WFP virzības redzējumu. J
Man piemita tendence darīt citu vietā, apzināti esmu sevi apstādinājusi un sapratusi, ka ir jādeleģē uzdevumi, ko arī šobrīd daru un sevi nevainoju.
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Pēc 6 mēnešiem spēlē.
Ir aizvadīta 21 spēles kārta pandēmijas laikā.
M-2 Vada pārrunas efektīvi.
Tā kā man ar nodaļu noteiktas regulāras online sapulces 1 reizi nedēļā, tad šo kompetenci varēju uzreiz pielietot un uzlabot. Parasti es nosaku sapulces nepieciešamību, bet ir gadījumi, kad to dara mani nodaļas darbinieki.
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Esmu devusi uzdevumu katram dalībniekam pateikt 3 svarīgākās iepriekšējās nedēļas izdarītos darbus, ieplānoto tekošajai nedēļai un vismaz 1 “labo darbiņu”vai “uzvaru” (tā es to saucu), ar ko ir vērts palielīties, lai iedvesmotu pārējos. Sākumā tas nāca ļoti grūti, bet ar katru reizi jau ir labāk un labāk. Arī es mācu ieraudzīt sīkās uzvaras, mazos solīšus, kas it kā liekas pašsaprotami. J Katram dalībniekam ir dots laiks izteikties, stingri gan pie minūtēm neturos, bet laikam sekoju gan līdzi.
Situācijās, kad darbinieks nevar nosaukt pozitīvās uzvaras, es palīdzu, saku priekšā, bet sapratu, ka labāk ir uzvedināt pašu uz domu. Man ir svarīgi, lai katrs sajūtas vērtīgs un vajadzīgs.
Sapulces beigās ne vienmēr sanāk vēlreiz pateikt kopsavilkumu, bet es pie tā strādāju. Ja ir kādi termiņi ar darāmiem darbiem, esam vienojušies, ka katrs pats atzīmē savā kalendārā. Ja tas ir svarīgi un attiecas uz visiem, tad es izsūtu e-pastu ar uzdevumu un termiņu.
M-4 Kontrolēt atbalstošo.
Man bija grūtības atrast, ko izmērīt. Tā kā plānoju ar nodaļu gada pārrunas, tad ņemšu par pamatu šo, lai izmērītu M-4 kompetenci. Man ir plāns, ar cik dalībniekiem veikt pārrunas. Ir jautājumi no M-5 kompetences, kurus noteikti izmantošu, nedaudz pārstrādājot. Varēšu izmērīt, vai esmu veikusi pārrunas ar tik dalībniekiem, cik esmu uzlikusi un vai visi jautājumi tiks izņemti. Tādēļ vēlos atzīmēt šo kompetenci, ka esmu gatava to pielietot praksē.
M-5 Iedrošina iedvesmojoši
Esmu nolēmusi izmantot šo kompetenci nodaļas Gada pārrunās. Esmu ieplānojusi iziet cauri jautājumiem par katru darbinieku pati, tad iziet jautājumiem cauri ar darbinieku un atbildes salīdzināt. Tas man noteikti dos lielāku priekšstatu par katru darbinieku, cik viņš ir ieinteresēts un iesaistīts kompānijas nākotnē. Jau nodarbības laikā man bija skaidrs, ka šo kompetenci pielietošu nodaļas gada pārrunās. Esmu veikusi sagatavošanās darbus, atliek tikai uzsākt un darīt.
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Pēc 7 mēnešiem spēlē.
Ir aizvadīta 30 spēles kārta pandēmijas laikā.
7 mēnešu laikā esmu ieviesusi vairākas kompetences savā atbildības zonā tieši darbā ar savu komandu – O-1 Pārvalda līderismu un ietekmi (šī kompetence man vēl joprojām ir top kompetence, no kuras turpinu iedvesmoties),
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Aizraujos ar savu darbu un savas komandas veidošanu, turpinu vadīt komandu gudri, veidojot ar katru dalībnieku individuālas attiecības.
Meklēju labāko veidu vadīšanas stilam savā nodaļā, lai maksimāli dotu brīvības sajūtu darīt darāmos darbus, pašiem uzņemoties par to atbildību. Esmu ieviesusi nodaļā kvartāla plānus, kuri pirms manis nebija. Es dodu plānu galvenos virzienus, bet ar katru individuāli stādam individuālos plānus, lai sasniegtu kopēju rezultātu.
Esmu ieviesusi kvartāla un gada pārrunas, kurās izmantoju jautājumus no M-5 kompetences (gada pārrunām) un Ieviešanas stratēģijas jautājumus kvartāla pārrunām, rezultātus apkopoju un nosūtīju īpašniekam, pēc kā kvartāla novērtējumā saņēmu visaugstāko novērtējumu ar vārdiem: Tā turpināt!
Kopš birojs ir pārcelts strādāt no mājām, ar nodaļu regulāri 1 reizi nedēļā veidoju kopējas sapulces, kurās pastāstu svarīgos punktus no manas puses un tad katrs dalībnieks runā par saviem darāmiem darbiem, kas svarīgs jāizdara un esmu ieviesusi, ka katram ir jāatrod savā darba nedēļā kāds”labais darbiņš”, ar ko palielīties pārējiem. Gan kopējā sapulcē, gan individuāli nebaidos paslavēt visu nodaļu, pieminēt kāda panākumus, lūgt padalīties ar pārējiem, kā to panākt. Trenēju ieraudzīt savus “labos darbiņus” kaut sīkumos, bet ieraudzīt.
Agrāk biju gatava uzņemties darīt visus darbus citu vietā, šobrīd protu deleģēt darāmos darbus, nevis visu stiept uz saviem pleciem.
Individuāli sniedzu atgriezenisko saiti, ja tas skar konkrētu personu, nevis nodaļu kopumā, esmu iemācījusies runāt par situāciju bez nosodījuma, fokusējoties uz situāciju un rīcību, nevis pašu personību. Arī neatļauju vairs nievājoši izteikties par sadarbības partneri – noliktavu, bet ieraudzīt arī uzlabojumus.
Esmu saņēmusi piedāvājumu no iepirkumu daļas vadītājas kļūt par kompānijas CEO. Piedāvājums tiek šobrīd gatavots, pēc kura man būs jāpieņem lēmums. Ar pagājušo nedēļu katru trešdienu man ir nozīmētas online tikšanās ar īpašnieku, kurā pārrunājam izdarīto un tiek doti jauni uzdevumi, kas nu jau iet vairāk ārpus manas atbildības zonas (te gan jāpiebilst, ka jau labu laiku daru darbus, kas neietilps manā atbildības zonā, bet ar savu iniciatīvu tos esmu risinājusi). No visa šī saprotu, ka tieku gatavota CEO. Kopš es izmainīju savu attieksmi pret īpašnieku, sāku viņā ieklausīties un darīt, kā viņš liek, viņa attieksme pret mani izmainījās par 180’. Nu jau šobrīd es drīkstu pati pieņemt lēmumus un noteikt, kā būs, tikai viņu informējot.
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Chronology of the Swiss Watch Business Booster.
After 4 months of the game.
14 rounds of the game during the pandemic passed.
Implementing the owner’s competency О-7
I started using a CRM system for the management of the financial activity of the company, I createda program for integrating a bank statement in CRM, I taught my accountant to insert data and delegated the data input process to the accountant.
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Implementing the U-1
I built a remuneration system based on the result. This competency has been integrated into the company’s ideology. After its implementation, the productive employees got motivation, and I pay no extra money to NON-productive employees any more. I succeed in implementing the competency, as I was annoyed by losing money and time. A result-oriented approach minimizes this problem.
Implementing of the U-2 competency
I have found two “sticky tapes” in me: expectancy and ambiguity, which have been eliminated. I just stopped doing it. As for my old expectations, I have allocated the seamarks. This competency has been integrated into the company’s ideology. After the implementation, we acquired time for the achievement of the main goal of the company, as hesitation swallowed our time. I started to successfully implement the competency and eliminate hesitation in my personal life, too. I have got extra energy, which I turn to the achievement of the main goals of the company.
Implementing the U-3 competency
I took a decision to implement it. I focused on the winning thinking. I have implemented it for myself and I am implementing it for the company. This competency will be integrated into the company’s ideology. I leaned how to manage myself within the certain time limits, to manage my choices. I have got extra time.
Implementing the U-3 competency
I took a decision to implement it. I focused on the winning thinking. I have implemented it for myself and I am implementing it for the company. This competency will be integrated into the company’s ideology. I leaned how to manage myself within the certain time limits, to manage my choices. I have got extra time.
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Chronology of the Swiss Watch Business Booster.
After 4 months of the game.
14 rounds of the game during the pandemic passed.
This is my progress history!
Which competencies have we used and implemented:
1) Result-oriented approach: the goal was set to achieve 75% of the previous month’s turnover, the result achieved was 136%
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2) We eliminated the fear of losing and risking. We transferred to a new thinking scale and the vision of success for the team. We started to sell more expensive goods, which give us higher profit, And the client acquires results faster and more efficiently when using it.
3) During the booster, everyone in the team acquired higher awareness. Understanding of what is his/her personal advantage, what is the advantage for the company and what is the advantage for the client, and why is it important. The process of training unified and inspired the team!
4) Together with the team, we outlined and started implementing a new marketing strategy. Using special tools provided by the booster, we took a pool among our clients and now we are really governed by key performance indicators in order to solve this task for 100%. We implement it during presentations and in personal communication.
We are grateful to the team of Studio Galata for our progress, our emotions, inspiration and results!
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Chronology of participation in the Swiss Watch booster.
After 4 months of participation in the game.
14 rounds of the game during the pandemic passed.
We completed the Auto program in less than 3 months, ahead of schedule and exceeding the sales volumes expectation.
The discipline cut away all the unnecessary distractions that could divert us from the aim.
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I implemented the U-2 competency and learned how to deal with conflicting priorities! With the understanding of the fear of winning. I now believe I am worthy of Big Wins! This one was for me!The experience took me from the self doubt, through transformation up to the point of increased feeling of significance. Through the process of uncomfortable conversations, I was able to removed a number of confronting barriers.
During the U-3 competency, I started to experience a state of heavy emotions caused by complicated situations. The 0-4 competency was about leadership and influence.
The Auto program served as a litmus test for this competency, indicating that it has been implemented with a master ranking. I used the technique “The analysis of motivation and involvement”, to speak to successful women societies and more than 30 personal consultants.
I found the following main triggers:
The company evaluates the high quality of products and development. The team evaluates communication, energy, supporting environment, relationships, emotional and spiritual values.
As a Director, I provide the example by my devotion and enthusiasm for the work. In addition to my ability to feel and understand people, and to unify the team. It became clear to me where I needed to take the team as during 30 January 2020 and 30 July 2021.
The owner’s competency O-2 is in the process of implementation.
The following are the first results:
Our female clients were able to develop the confidence to look and feel beautiful. They are satisfied with the high-quality care and service, After 4 months of participation in the game.
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Chronology of participation in the Swiss Watch Business booster.
After 4 months of participation in the game.
14 rounds of game during the pandemic passed.
I was not able implement one competency for 100% or even for 90%.
Looking at the gears now, I understand that I was able to work with a new winning business model.
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- I made new agreements with my employees. I set the goal and made a model of my steps in the implementation of the goal/plan.
- I got involved in sales personally.
- I made a good offer and received a great response form the clients.
- I used the clients base in order to invite them to the events hosted in our shops to hear their professional opinion of medicine representatives.
- We were flexible with all our clients which help in finding
What has changed after the implementation of the competencies?
The team bounced back after a half-year of low sales. New plans, goals and desires emerged. There were less concerns about the pandemic situation. The main thing was, all the employees including myself, got the vision of success. It all happened thanks to the participation in the booster. I started the implementation of the owner’s competencies. The results were that, I changed the management, marketing and sales strategy in the company.
I was inspired to improve and implement the strategy and the ideology in the way it has been outlined.
It was very important for us to achieve our goal, so we were very result-oriented. Moreover, the booster helped us to unify, reconsider our actions, become more efficient and, to create a new result.
What else have we achieved?
In addition to the vision and understanding of what else needs to be worked on. Firstly, a pleasure to know that we had the crisis, not the other way around. Secondly, we are able to provide a high-quality service. Thirdly, we have doubled our sales conversations. What else do I need to say?
I am grateful to the team of the booster for their support. During the first 4 months of the participation, I did not invest 100% of time in training, practice and development of the competencies. As a result, I was not so fast in the implementation of the owner’s competencies.
I feel that I missed many opportunities to learn and apply more. Now I have realized my mistake and I understand the value of the time I have invested. Now I train systematically and regularly.
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Chronology of the Swiss Watch Business Booster.
After 4 months of the game.
14 rounds of the game during the pandemic passed.
With regard to the implementation of the competencies in the business, I can tell that the effect is obvious!
We have managed to do good work with O2 competency – Create attractive product for a client, and thanks to it we created new presentation materials.
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The scope of spin wheels and empty talks reduced, now the set of customers narrowed and we can focus on working with our real client, and here the creation of a client avatar is not least of all.
I would like to notice the efficiency of U2 and U3 competencies, I think I am coping with this task very well! The previous boosters – Greatness of Attitude and 3D coaching – enhanced the effect.
My growth area is that I keep working on the development of my leadership skills.
I implement the competencies gradually. Last month, the turnover increased for 60%!
I am grateful for the competencies provided by the Swiss Watch booster team.
I am grateful to the whole Studio Galata team!
Sincerely, Juris Martons.
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Chronology of the Swiss Watch Business Booster.
After 4 months of the game.
14 rounds of the game during the pandemic passed.
When we analyzed and calculated what we will get from the achievement of our goals and what we are losing when not achieving them.
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We started to set our goals consistently in accordance with various indications – both for the parlour in general and personally for everyone of us. It became easier and clearer to work. We made an interim review to see where we succeed, what does not work, what must be changed, strategies to be replaced so that to achieve our goal. We divided the areas of personal responsibility for the efficient goal achieving process. We also noticed that every member of our team acquired personal interest and responsibility.
Having realized and understood many things, I learned to set my personal goals. I started to make plans of my tasks, it helps a lot in keeping the focus and completing them.
Productivity and efficiency changed both in my work and in my personal life, I became more organized, more focused.
We are going to maintain the result achieved and to bring it to become our permanent habit, until it corresponds to 10 points according to the key efficiency indicators.
U-2 and U-3
I realized that procrastination is still present in my life, I identified the fears that were actively hiding and disturbing my progress, especially in my work. (I managed to solve many of them already in the booster “The Glory of Attitude”)
I had expectations that things will sort themselves out – the goods will be sold and the turnover will be achieved.
I had the fear to lose, which expressed more likely in the fear to disappoint the hopes of my bosses and my team, I undertook too many responsibilities at a time, which resulted in low efficiency of my activities.
When I realized and accepted it as a fact, I identified what I lose in this situation and, vice versa, what will be the benefits of no procrastination. I decided to stop hesitating and to look for solutions and ways out.
We also discussed and helped one another to understand the same situation in our team, to identify the patterns of our behaviors that destroy our efficiency. I created more trust, openness and sincerity in relations, when people share their inmost thoughts and fears!
We are still serving as supporting environment for one another, including the situations with procrastination.
We demonstrate soundness of mind.
I understood more clearly what the soundness of mind is! For me it was always adequacy and logic. While in the booster I took a wider look at this concept and I sow how the soundness of mind is connected with the efficiency (scale/diagram). Risks are to be assessed always – all the pluses and minuses, profits and losses. It helped me a lot and now I implement it on a deeper level.
In general, now I do many things at a level of comprehension and understanding, at a level of the competencies acquired rather than at a level of intuition, as it used to be earlier. And I am jolly glad for this!
Accurate and systematic financial reports are not a nightmare for me any more)
Moreover, I would like to tell you that recently me and my team managed to set the mid-term and long-term key goals of the company, as well as to elaborate a new marketing strategy! For us it is a breakthrough and pride!
It is our achievement only! These are our inner feelings, understanding, vision!
This is something we gave birth to in long discussions, contemplations, even disputes, but it was really cool! It opened a completely different point of view, demonstrating us what we are doing, how we are doing and for whom we are doing it! We are now starting to implement all the achievements, our competencies and strategic goals are right in front of our eyes!
The puzzle is building up more and more, the picture becomes clearer. I understand that there is still a long way to go until the new standards, but it makes the road more interesting, there are so many new things ahead!
I would like to say thank you to Studio Galata for everything you do for us and give us!
Faithfully and gratefully,
Tatjana Pindejeva
Nuga Best director
Latvia, Riga,
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Chronology of participation in the Swiss Watch booster.
After 6 months of participation in the game.
21 rounds of the game during the pandemic passed.
At this moment, after getting acquainted and studying the competencies of the M-group, the first 6 ones have been implemented at different levels, but as for M-7, since it was the last one, I am just starting to work with it.
The competencies I managed to implement more efficiently:
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One of my goals for the booster was to learn how to plan. After getting acquainted with this competence, I got a vision of the importance of this competence, how it is done in general and how to do it more efficiently.
I have composed plans and goals, both long-term and short-term, in all spheres of life. For the year, monthly, weekly and daily. I seriously thought about what I generally want in life and what I dream about globally.
I started to plan my day. The weekly schedule is very disciplining.
At work, we began to plan in a team, outline everything clearly. We have already set goals and plans before, but we began to set personal goals, outline personal plans, goals for the day for each of us. This made the workflow more organized, clear and focused. The benefits of this were visible at once. The team has become more organized. Every colleague had a vision of what to do, not a vague one, but a clear plan: how many calls, how many conversations with clients and sales. Each of us announced his/her plans in the morning, before the start of the working day, and summed up the results at the end of the day. Everyone noted that it was easier to work this way. Along with personal responsibility, involvement and focus on results, sales also increased by %?.
For the New Year, we ordered personalized planners for everyone so that to plan our lives and progress more efficiently.
I realized that planning helps me keep focus and stay on course! This is what was missing!
In terms of M-2 competency, I continue to implement it.
I began to write a meeting plan, we introduced the recording of the results of the meeting and the decisions made, a person was appointed for this purpose, who now is doing this on a regular basis. We discussed the rules: I am the coordinator of the meeting, I also start the meeting, I inform about all the news, events, changes, issues on the agenda, and so on. Then all members of the team report and speak on equal terms. The we are discussing, consulting, looking for solutions together. The opinion of each team member is important. This allows us to find more effective solutions.
The regulations have also been adopted on an ongoing basis at the moment, and if something changes, we will agree on it.
М-3 competency
I learned to give away and not be greedy! It really helps to save time, effort, energy and nerves – to maintain a resource state, and most importantly, to get a better result!
By delegating, pronouncing goals, together we make clear agreements, create a supportive environment and intermediate supportive control.
We now actively delegate in our team, we distribute areas of responsibility, depending on who is better in doing certain things, who likes more doing certain things.
Of course, efficiency is increasing.
I began to deliberately delegate in the company and in my life.
A very useful competence!
I control myself.
I act by such a principle: I note what we managed, what progress did we make and what are strengths of my colleague, and then I note what was missing and what can be improved. This competence resonated with me very much, because it is very close to me.
We definitely act as a supportive environment for each other.
I stay full of energy myself and I charge the team. If suddenly it happens that I do not have enough energy at some point, I honestly talk about this to the team and ask for their help! It works greatly, promoting trust and relationships in the team. Colleagues appreciate this. I am still a living person.
And I always am grateful for their support and input.
I show empathy.
I always notice the progress of my colleagues, I like to see them inspired and elated, I enjoy it, it energizes others, we are happy for each other, it affects the work process and the results.
Before the Christmas holidays, when we reached and exceeded our goals, I really wanted to acknowledge everyone for their personal contribution and celebrate this event in the team. This taste of winning, success! I bought a small present for everyone, knowing their personal preferences and tastes. When I handed them to everyone during the party, it was so cool! Because a everyone received something for him/herself personally, not standard same thing for everyone.
This creates a lot of dedication, interest, a sense of self-esteem and being a part of the team.
After the Glory of Attitude booster, I began to clearly control my judging thinking and work on this with my colleagues, since it is still strongly manifested in some moments for some of them.
I do not use criticism, I rather use confrontational feedback, having previously agreed on a person’s consent to it, is it important for him to hear it? So that he understands that this is a growth zone, and not an indication of his minuses, mistakes and failures. I show empathy, I consider relevance, readiness of the other party to perceive. I always start my feedback with the progress, success and achievements, and then I tell what needs to be improved, to work on.
But I like giving constructive feedback more.
I clearly understood for my life – do not express your opinion if nobody asks you, and if you want to tell it, ask for the permission.
I started to implement M7 competency.
Thanks to the entire Studio Galata team for the progress and growth!
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Chronology of participation in the Swiss Watch booster.
After 4 months of participation in the game.
14 rounds of the game during the pandemic passed.
I believe that for the last 3 months our company managed to implement, to one degree or another, 7 competencies: U1, U2, U3, O1, O2, O3, O4.
I see my personal progress, firstly, in the implementation of U1 competency – Result-Orientedness.
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First of all, I understood that I need to focus on the result in any situation, at any stage of work, in any structure.
Now I can pre-plan the result and make certain steps towards its implementation every day. All the work processes, such as presentations, trainings for the employees, conversations with the customers and the employees, various events are performed by means of this competence. This competence is like a seamark that saves me from running off the course.
Thanks to the competencies implemented, today our team is not only keeping afloat in this hard situation of pandemic, but also has a profit no less than it used to be in better times.
For me personally, the participation in the booster and the implementation of the competencies helps me to discipline and organize my life in all its spheres.
Thank you!
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Chronology of the Swiss Watch Business Booster.
After 4 months of the game.
14 rounds of the game during the pandemic passed.
During this period, I succeed in implementing of M1 and M3 competencies. All the rest is in the process of understanding and work.
After the implementation, the following changes happened:
– twister is happening less often
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– it is easier to maintain the resource state
– I became more productive (at the same time, I am doing more, I manage to complete more tasks)
– now I have more free time
– the planning creates the feeling of stability and clarity.
– having implemented the planning in our team, we increased the volume of sales and the turnover.
– the planning allows us to focus on the important things and not to waste time on illusions.
We succeeded with the implementation, because we understood that it can increase the quality of our life.
By this time, I became more conscious. Thanks to the supportive environment provided by the Swiss Watch booster team and by my team, the autopilot is switching on less and the conscious is working more. Having implemented a number of communication competencies, now I am able to hear people well and to communicate my point of view to them. Now, when I see how people show themselves in various situations, I do not use the same approach to everybody and I understand how to work with each of them.
I express gratitude to the booster host, the host coordinators of Studio Galatа team for being interested in the growth of every participant and for the supportive environment.
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Chronology of the Swiss Watch Business Booster.
After 4 months of the game.
14 rounds of the game during the pandemic passed.
In 4 months, I managed to implement 3 competencies. U1 – Result-Orientedness, U-2 – Not sticking on interferences, O-4 – The strategy.
In order to implement the U-1 competency, I understood that the main aim in working with the clients is the result – the client’s health.
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What did I do to implement the U-2 competency: I immediately noticed and totally understood my interferences. In order not to stick on them, I remembered my result-orientedness, I asked myself questions and I listened to my inner conversation.
What did I do to implement the O-4 competency (strategy): Based on my experience in working with clients, on the ideology of our company and on the experience in the Greatness of Attitude, I saw that the main thing in our work is the Attitude and relationships. Therefore, by expressing interest, support and care for the clients’ health during the presentations, I shared information that will bring the clients to the desired results in an understandable form and in layman’s terms (in the clients’ language and per their request). I elaborated an individual program for every client. I recorded videos of the presentations and shared them in various social networks to help the clients work with their family members, in consolidation of new material.
What has changed after the implementation: I work according to the ideology of our company, I demonstrate my leadership skills as a specialist in health and equipment matters, I started to provide information in an easier and more comprehensible form, which allows the clients to know more and to understand their organism and the equipment. It inspires them for actions, they come home and use their equipment. I started to use best judgement more and to be more conscious. I don’t create any delay, and even if I fall back a bit, I quickly return the company to highly dynamical activity.
Using the competency Relationships with clients and colleagues, I have earned even more respect, acknowledgement and importance.
I succeed because I want to reach the result and I do a lot for it (goal commitment).
During the participation in two boosters – Greatness of Attitude and Business Booster Swiss Watch, I managed to earn acknowledgement, respect and proud for me from those of my relatives who was laughing about my work before.
Thanks to the entire Studio Galata team.
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Chronology of participation in the Swiss Watch booster.
After 4 months of participation in the game.
14 rounds of the game during the pandemic passed.
During a four – month period, we managed to implement U1, U2, U3, WFP competencies in our company, to identify our ideal target audience and the method of their attraction. We supplemented our Ideology by new principles, based on which we are working.
Speaking about U1, U2, U3 – I constantly try to define the
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Together with the studio owner we introduced WFP to the team, having outlined the wins of all the three sides. We identified the ideal target audience and introduced it to the team.
After the competencies have been implemented, it became easier to communicate within the team. It was easier for the interns to join the process after they began to track the result every day. They achieved their goal easier and without stress. We began to receive more gratitude from our customers for our service.
We succeeded in the implementation because we decided to develop ourselves and the company, rather than being satisfied with what we have. Because together with the team, we made a decision to start managing changes and realized new benefits which the introduction of competencies would bring.
By this time, I began to avoid conflicts of priorities more often, I stopped controlling the uncontrollable and now I set ambitious goals and implement them. Also, I was so saturated with our WFP that I understand every action I or my team do, whether it is related to our WFP or not. It became easier for me to communicate the tasks to the team.
I would like to add to this case what I really feel and see the benefits in the inner and outer world. I changed and entered a new level of awareness and actions.
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Chronology of participation in the Swiss Watch booster.
After 4 months of participation in the game.
14 rounds of the game during the pandemic passed.
I have implemented: 1. “Eliminates sticking”
- “Has leadership and influence”
- “Masters WFP”
What did I do to implement them…?
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What has changed after its implementation.
If we speak about the U-2 competence, I started to safe more energy and time.
I started to see and help in defining of where has my partner or employee got stuck, I speak to them and help them get out of the standstill faster.
Concerning the O-1 competence, I undertook the responsibility for the preparation of all valuable documents which we are working on at the moment. I also influenced so that we all team up. I organised systematic zoom meetings once a month for the interaction between the owners of studios and the managers. During some of the meetings, we plan the strategy, discuss the progress and exchange our experience.
I have also helped in the opening of a new studio. And engaged my senior partner Vladimir into a more efficient work.
Speaking about the O-2 competence, we have launched a number of polls among our loyal customers. Based on this polling, we saw WFP. It helped me in all other employees to focus on the main things in our work with a customer. We saw where to place the accent.
I succeeded in the implementation, because it is important for me. Because it is important for me to succeed and make all my partners and employees succeed along with me. It is important for me to be stronger in this hard time for our customers and our business. It is important for me to ensure that we are succeeding now and later. That we achieve our goals. That we continue doing everything easier and with better awareness.
- That we open a new studio.
- That we train new employees.
- That we improve the sales conversion.
Regarding this case I would like to comment that there is still a lot of work… 🙂 I will be on my way to make my dreams come true.
And, of course, I would like to say thank you to the Studio Galata team for their help and inspiration.
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Chronology of participation in the Swiss Watch booster.
After 6 months of participation in the game.
21 rounds of the game during the pandemic passed.
Before I start describing my progress, I would like to say a sincere THANK YOU to all the Studio Galata team! To be honest, 2020 was one of the most difficult years in my life…
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However, the working on and developing of each competence perfectly distracted me from everything unpleasant and transferred my focus to more important things. At some point, I just began to trust more to myself, God, fate, my husband, partners and committed employees … Summing up the financial performance during the 2020 pandemic, we found that turnover fell by 20%. However, the total profit did not decrease significantly. We were able to manage finances more wisely, save money, eliminate unnecessary expenses. At the same time, key employees earned no less than in 2019. All the studios in the network have increased the conversion of sales. That is, they generated more sales with fewer visitors. I am glad for that. I think that this is the booster’s merit. Because it is a great support.
I also feel a higher level of awareness among all owners, directors and consultants. Those who did not want to come with us, they all quit. It became easier to work, negotiate, plan and conduct confrontational conversations.
As for the competencies of the Management group,
I continue learning and implementing them.
Now I am deeply engrossed in creating websites for Latvia and Lithuania and I am leading a general strategy for the entire network in sales. I organise more frequent meetings with the owners and even with all the teams in order to understand how to promote and create results in such a harsh, almost military environment, specifically for our business.
There is the latest progress in the M-1 competency. We with my co-owner partner have made plans and created strategies in many areas, such as finances, management, sales, reporting for 2021. Our win and progress is that the company now has a working financial reporting system. And now everyone is winning from it. There is energy in this and the team is motivated. And it makes me really happy.
There are already certain results in just in a week, we have promoted our work on the internet, work in the studios and we solved open issues with some people.
As to M-2 🙂 Well, first of all, now at meetings we make decisions all together gladly and without objection. Moreover, we almost manage to finish them at the appointed time. And there is energy at the end of the meeting. And the family spirit and support for each other is only strengthening.
As to M-4 and М-5, I keep working on its development and implementation.
As to M-6, we have a great progress with the employees in it. Everybody is telling me that. And I see myself that I have made great progress in this. But with my husband… I am still learning. It is better now, but sometimes I still go into judgment.
Regarding M-7. I do love this competence. The progress is that everyone is learning. I am constantly learning myself. The progress is that everyone began to enjoy it and realized more benefits of it.
We really want to succeed in 2021 in terms of profit, go through this difficult period, taking up the challenge. And to achieve the goals that we set for this year in the booster until the beginning of August.
Thank you once again!
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in the game?
О Choose the participation format:
– personal
– group
– corporate
О If you prefer a personal format, visit the Representative Offices section, choose your trainer and learn more about cooperation.
О If you prefer a group participation, please check the schedule.
О If a corporate format fits you best, visit the Representative Offices section and choose your trainer or contact Swiss Watch Business by calling +442045252089
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